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Accelerating Success: vHive Incubator Companies meet with the Surrey Women’s Entrepreneurship Network (SWEN)
Hannah Rideout vHive Incubatees get the opportunity to ask SWEN what it is like being a woman founder in the Animal Health sector.
What is The Animal Health Innovation Network
Eleanor Telling Animal Health Innovation Network (AHIN) is a non-profit organization that connects animal health start-ups with the resources they need to succeed.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Eleanor Telling This is done through improving their competitiveness and productivity through the better use of knowledge, technology, and skills which others have. KTPs…
What’s new for AHIN?
Eleanor Telling As many of you know, the Animal Health Innovation Network has been formed to bring together academia and industry to drive innovations…
British Cattle Veterinary Association
Eleanor Telling The British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA) vision include “seeing a central role for the vet to safeguard and improve the wellbeing of…
Eleanor Telling NOAH is committed to One Health which includes limiting the development of antimicrobial resistance by promoting responsible use and stewardship of antibiotics.…