Livestock Information Service (LIS) Launch New Vet Attestation Scheme for Sheep Farmers


The Livestock Information Service (LIS) is a free, online platform for keepers to record livestock movements. Launched in March 2022, LIS consolidates the existing platforms for cattle (CTS), sheep/goats (ARAMS) and pigs (EAMLS2). As part of Defra’s transformational change programme for the food and farming sector, LIS aims to improve accuracy and management of livestock movement data to benefit trade and disease control.

Defra have recently announced an update in veterinary attestation for all livestock intended for the food chain:

As of 13th December 2023, keepers are required to have a registered vet digitally record their vet attestation status within LIS. Those enrolled in farm assurance schemes (e.g., Red Tractor) will have this automatically included in their visit; However, those not enrolled will be required to obtain a digital record from their vet that a visit has taken place. This can be included in a routine visit, though must include all livestock species on the farm in order to assess any biosecurity risk and/or risk of notifiable disease.

This digital record will be referred to as a VAN (Vet Attestation Number) and must be recorded on all Food Chain Information documents during movements to markets or abattoirs. The new digital recording system will allow allocation of a keepers’ CPH number to a valid VAN, allowing assessment at market or abattoirs before export.

If you have not already signed up to the Livestock Information Service, click the button to begin.

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