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Understanding feline pruritis from the pet owner’s perspective – Poster
Eleanor Telling This informative poster created by the vHive team, namely Georgina Cherry, showcasing the work on how social listening can be used to…
Rectified Classifier Chains for Prediction of Antibiotic Resistance
Eleanor Telling Predicting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) from genomic data has important implications for human and animal healthcare, and especially given its potential for more…
Deep Learning for Necrosis Detection Using Canine Perivascular Wall Tumour
Eleanor Telling Necrosis seen in histopathology Whole Slide Images is a major criterion that contributes towards scoring tumour grade which then determines treatment options.…
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Eleanor Telling This is done through improving their competitiveness and productivity through the better use of knowledge, technology, and skills which others have. KTPs…
Project Update from Bryony Armson
Eleanor Telling We hope that the information obtained may identify research gaps for future studies and help develop solutions for effective disease control.
Health outcomes arising from human-animal interactions including zoonotic disease and antimicrobial resistance
Eleanor Telling That animal and human health are interdependent is increasingly recognised. Sixty percent of infectious diseases in humans are zoonotic, but despite their…